Thursday, March 20, 2008

Go Underpantsers! Go!

For the historical record. As an ensemble we took a big leap forward tonight. Here's a little thank you card. Not dirty, but probably not work safe.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

A Schedule

Yes, I know there may still be some conflicts here, but we'll work around them

Thursday March13
Pages 48-80 and pages 94-120

Friday March 14
Pages 60-93

Saturday March 15

Sunday March 16
Pages 121-end of show

Monday March 17
All Versati’s scenes. Plus finish any scenes we haven’t worked on (TBA).

Tuesday March 18
Stumble through

Wednesday March 19

Thursday March 20
Work trouble spots TBA

Friday March 21

Saturday March 22
Sunday March 23

Monday March 24
Work through first half

Tuesday March 25
Work through second half

Wednesday, March 26
TBA (for trouble spots w/versati)

Thurdsay, March 27
Work trouble spots

Friday, March 28

Saturday March 29
TBA (if needed)

Sunday, March 30
Run (Maybe twice)

Monday, March 31
Work trouble spots TBA

Tuesday April 1
Wednesday April 2
Thursday April 3
Work trouble spots TBA
Friday April 4
Saturday April 5
TBA (if necessary)
Sunday April 6
Run (twice for sure) Full Dress all tech
Monday April 7
Tuesday April 8
Wednesday April 9
Thursday April 10
Friday April 11


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Sunday: Theo, Louise, Cohen

Monday: Theo, Louise, Cohen, Gertrude.

Still no confirmed Versati. Stay tuned. Keep your ears open. Ask all your friends in the theatre that could do Versati, why the heck they aren't doing Versati.

I'm going to take this to the folks at GCT on Monday. I need some help because I've run out of options and ideas, and only now am I beginning to panic.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Full call on Monday at 7.

We will be taking measurement for costumes and the women will be trying on pieces borrowed from Rhodes.

Once all the measuring etc. has been accomplished I'll turn everybody loose but Louise, Theo, and Gertrude.

We're still without a Versati, and may remain without one for this first few days. But I've spoken to several prospects and hope to spend Wednesday evening interviewing/auditioning and getting this last piece of the puzzle in place.

I should be freaked out. But I've got a great deal of confidence in the cast we've got. And as omens go, this whole experience rhymes with a production of The Lion in Winter I did with Jim Ostrander at GCT many years ago. We had a Richard, then we lost our Richard, then we didn't have a Richard, then -- after some period of Richardlesness--we found a much, much better Richard. It was worth dealing with a bit of terror on the front end. And I'd rather do that than cast the first available body that walks through the door. I think I've got some good prospects. But am still open to suggestions if you have any.

Lysistrata, Room Service, and an unanticipated student production of Shakespeare's R&J have sucked many of the Y chromosomes out of the greater metro area.